Le conseil d’administration est composé de dix administrateurs représentant les régions canadiennes suivantes:
Wendy Lawson
Mohawk College, Hamilton, ON
Sonja Chamberlin
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology, Calgary, AB
Brid NicNiocaill
Dawson College, Montreal, QC
Deborah Richards
Justice Institute of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
Nicole Dahlen
Northern Lights College, Dawson Creek, BC
Terry Schlitter
Northern Alberta School of Technology, Edmonton, AB
Christa MacLean
Saskatchewan Polytechnic, Regina, SK
Michaël Dumoulin
Collège La Cité, Ottawa, ON
Tamara Chambers-Richards
Red River College, Winnipeg, MB
Mary Parrott
College of the North Atlantic, NL
Rae Gropper
Erin Slywchuk
Spécialiste de projet