Canadian Association of Allied Health Programs

CAAHP Bylaws

The Canadian Association of Allied Health Programs (CAAHP) / Association canadienne des programmes en techniques de la santé (ACPTS) bylaws were revised and approved at the Annual General Meeting, April 2, 2018.

ARTICLE 1 : Name, Vision, Mission and Purpose

1.1 Name
The Organization shall be known as the Canadian Association of Allied Health Programs.

1.2 Vision
The vision of the Association is to shape the future of health sciences education.

1.3 Mission and Purpose
The mission of the Association is to be an effective national network of health sciences academic institutions. In fulfillment of its mission, the Association will direct its activities to the following goals :

  1. to be a forum for collaboration and information exchange among institutions involved in allied health sciences education ;
  2. to profile and promote best practices and innovation, among academic institutions.

ARTICLE 2 : Membership

2.1 Membership
The institutional membership of the Association shall consist of publicly funded institutions offering Health Sciences Programs in post-secondary education. Each member may be represented by the Dean, Director or equivalent.

2.2 Affiliate Members
An organization, agency or individual, not named in the previous paragraph, with an interest in the mission and purpose of the association may become an affiliate member of the Association. Each affiliate application must be approved by the Board of Directors. Once approved, affiliate members will have the right to attend all general meetings and receive all general documentation, but will have neither voting rights nor the right to hold office.

2.3 Annual Membership Dues
The membership year runs from September 1st to August 31st and members will be assessed fees on an annual basis. The annual dues shall be established by the Board of Directors and ratified at the Annual General Meeting.
Any member failing to pay dues by December 1st shall automatically forfeit membership in the Association.

ARTICLE 3 : Annual General Meeting

3.1 Composition
An annual General Meeting is open to all the members of the Association such as defined in article 2.

3.2 Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting will take place once a year. The place and the date will be determined by the members of Board of Directors. This Meeting will be held for the purpose of :

  1. presenting and adopting the financial statements of the year coming to an end ;
  2. presenting the annual report(s) from the Board of Directors as well as the budget estimates for the upcoming year ;
  3. electing new members to the Board of Directors.

3.3 Notice of Meeting
Written notice thereof shall be given to all members not less than 90 days prior to the meeting date.
Other general meetings may be called at the discretion of the Board.
The President shall preside at all general meetings.

3.4 Vote
In all matters in which the membership shall vote, each institutional member will have one (1) vote. The simple majority of those present will carry the vote. If the vote results in a tie, then the motion shall be considered defeated.

ARTICLE 4 : Board of Directors

4.1 General Responsibility
The Board of Directors will carry out its responsibilities/authority according to current Bylaws.

4.2 Composition of the Board
The activities and the affairs of the Association shall be conducted by a Board of Directors.
The Pan Canadian Board will consist of the following eight representatives :

  1. British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Quebec and the Atlantic Region shall each have one (1) representative on the Board;
  2. Ontario shall have two (2) representative, given its size and number of colleges.

Every effort shall be made to ensure broad representation of the membership and to reflect the regional and linguistic diversity of the Association.
No institution shall have more than 1 representative on the Board of Directors at any given time.

4.3 Nominating Committee
A Nominating Committee of three Board members, chaired by the Past President, shall be struck 6 months prior to the Annual General Meeting and shall nominate members for the Board of Directors.

4.4 Election
Directors shall be elected by the general membership at the Annual General Meeting with approximately one third of the Directors standing for election each year.

4.5 Term
Terms are normally 3 years, and may be renewed on a recommendation from the Board and confirmed by a vote at the next Annual General Meeting.

4.6 Authority
The Board of Directors possesses all the authorities which are conferred on it by the Annual General Meeting or by the present By laws. Among others authorities and obligations, the Board will :

  1. administer the day-to-day matters of the Association ;
  2. manage the activities of the Association, such as defined by the Annual General Meeting ;
  3. execute the decisions of the Association ;
  4. create/identify any working committee to assist during the current year ;
  5. monitor the budget adopted by the Association.

4.7 Frequency of Meetings
There will be a minimum of one (1) in-person meeting per year, other than the annual conference and Annual General Meeting. The Board of Directors will also meet periodically at the call of the President.
The President shall preside during meetings.

4.8 Vote
Each member of the Board of Directors shall be entitled to one (1) vote. A simple majority will carry the vote. If the vote results in a tie, then the motion shall be considered defeated.

4.9 Quorum
The presence of a majority of the members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum at all meetings of the Board of Directors.

4.10 Expenses
Expenses incurred while conducting business of the Board shall be borne by the individual Board member except where otherwise approved by the Board and according the expense policy.

4.11 Vacancies
When Director’s vacancies occur, the Board may appoint an interim member until the next Annual General Meeting at which time the vacant position shall be filled in accordance with the Bylaws.

4.12 Removal of Directors
If a Director is unable or fails to perform duties satisfactorily over a period of time, the Board of Directors is authorized to declare the position vacant and delegate the duties of the position to be performed to another Director.
A member of the Board of Directors may be removed for cause by a simple majority vote of the general membership at an official meeting of the Board as a whole.

4.13 Resignation
A Board member can resign at any time from her/his functions by submitting a letter of resignation to the Board. This resignation comes into effect on the date determined by the signatory.

ARTICLE 5 : Officers

5.1 Membership
The Officers of the Association shall consist of a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and Immediate Past President. Offices may be combined at the discretion of the Board.

5.2 Election
Officers shall be appointed by the Board of Directors subsequent to the Annual General Meeting.

5.3 Term
If re-elected to the Board, an officer of the Association shall not serve in the same office for more than two (2) consecutive terms.

5.4 President
The President shall be the chief officer of the Association and shall serve as chairperson of the Board of Directors, and the presiding officer at all meetings of the Board of Directors and, at the Annual General Meeting. The President shall prepare an annual report which will include reports from the officers of the Board, for presentation to the Annual General Meeting.

5.5 Vice President
The Vice President shall replace the President should the President be absent or otherwise unable to carry out his/her responsibilities. If the Presidency becomes vacant, the Vice President shall become President. If re-elected to the Board upon completion of the President’s term, the Vice President shall assume the President’s position.

5.6 Treasurer
The Treasurer/Membership Chair shall be the financial officer of the Association and shall oversee all membership records. He/she will :

  1. have charge or oversight, and responsibility for all funds of the Association ;
  2. issue a payment for invoices approved by the President or Vice President, and acted on by the Treasurer ;
  3. be responsible for developing and presenting an annual budget to the Board of Directors ;
  4. monitor budgetary performance of the Association; recommend budgetary modifications as required; review and refine the Association’s budgetary procedures as required ;
  5. prepare financial reports three times a year ;
  6. present a financial report and a membership report at the Annual General Meeting.

5.7 Secretary
The Secretary shall oversee all association documents, minutes and correspondence. He/she shall :

  1. minute the Board of Directors meetings and distribute to Board members ;
  2. minutes the Annual General Meeting and distribute to all members ;
  3. maintain all association documents, minutes and correspondence ;
  4. maintain the Bylaws and present any bylaw revisions to the membership for approval at the Annual General Meeting.

5.8 Immediate Past President
The Immediate Past President shall serve in an advisory capacity to the President and shall carry out whatever duties may be assigned by the President Board. The Past President shall chair the Nominating Committee. Upon expiry of the President’s term, that individual becomes Past President.

5.9 Execution of Documents/Signing Authority
The President or the Vice President and the Treasurer are the signing authorities. All documents requiring execution must be approved by the President or Vice President and signed jointly by these parties.

ARTICLE 6 : Committees

6.1 Membership
All committees appointed by the Board shall be constituted in such a manner as to reflect a wide representation of the Association’ membership. Committees will be struck to work on the priorities of the Association as required.

ARTICLE 7 : Amendments

7.1 Amendments
These Bylaws will be reviewed periodically. The may be amended or repealed by the affirmative vote of a simple majority of the voting membership at the Annual General Meeting. Thirty days written notice of the proposed amendment to the general membership shall be provided.

ARTICLE 8 : Meeting Rules

8.1 Meeting Rules
The rules contained in the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Revised shall govern meeting of the Association, except where not applicable or otherwise inconsistent with these Bylaws.