Canadian Association of Allied Health Programs

Dinner at restaurant
Slide presentation

“Agility in Action”

Held in Ottawa, June 6-7, 2024

“Thank you for your enthusiastic engagement in the 2024 CAAHP conference and for your ongoing investment of time and talent into our allied health professions and programs. It was outstanding to have all of your unique perspectives represented in the discussion. I am immensely proud to serve alongside such an esteemed group of educators and I look forward to exploring how our organization can continue to support and empower each and every one of you in your respective endeavours.”

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CAAHP offers an organizational membership that grants exclusive access to our resources, events, and networking opportunities for all individuals within your organization. This means that every member of your team can take advantage of the benefits. Sign up NOW for the 2024/25 membership year and experience the perks of belonging to our vibrant community.


2024/25 Membership Rates now available:

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The Canadian Association of Allied Health Programs (CAAHP) is an affiliated group of Colleges and Institutions across Canada that represents unique professions in allied health and facilitates meaningful dialogue between programs to propel educations forwards. CAAHP supports members by providing valuable industry insights, news, learning, networking opportunities, and forums for sharing best practices.

Being a CAAHP member has its advantages:

  • Participate in continuing education via Lunch & Learn events
  • Get exclusive access to the CAAHP Annual Education Conference
  • Develop strong working relationships with like-minded industry professionals
  • Unlock new funding opportunities
  • Receive letters of support to validate project in research and innovation
  • Stay closely connected with professional associations in the field